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Foggy Hollow Ranch
Traditional 1927® Fine Fleece Shetland Sheep and Brangus/Beefmaster Cattle

Welcome to Foggy Hollow Ranch. We were city folks for many years until we established Foggy Hollow Ranch in 2008 - - - - which turned us into country folks. It was a wonderful change for our family and a learning experience for all of us!


We offer Traditional 1927® Shetland Sheep fleeces and purebred, registered, fine-fleeced Shetland lambs, yearlings, and breeding stock. Our goal is to grow Traditional 1927® Shetland sheep fleeces in a wide variety of colors, while providing a peaceful life for our cherished sheep and cattle. We selected Traditional 1927® Shetlands because their kindly, single coated fleeces are the type produced in the UK based on the Shetland Sheep Breed Standard as amended by Appendix A. This type of fleece is spun and knitted into Shetland Islands Wedding Ring Shawls, which are lace shawls so delicate that one can draw the shawl through a wedding ring. 


What will you find at Foggy Hollow Ranch? A flerd (flock and herd) of sheep and cattle, a pecan grove, muscadine grapes and trees, a Shetland Sheepdog who plays with sheep more than she herds them, and people who enjoy the Texas countryside and the challenge of raising animals. We recently added a German Angora Rabbit to our menagerie. You could also find morning fog in the Fall and Spring. And you will find all of this in Hungerford, Texas, only 55 miles Southwest of Downtown Houston. Every day is an adventure and challenge at Foggy Hollow Ranch.


We welcome visitors and would be happy to have you experience the animals and surroundings of Foggy Hollow Ranch first-hand!

Shetland Sheep Colors

We are pleased to be an Official Fiber Provider for the Livestock Conservancy's Shave 'Em to Save 'Em (SE2SE) Program. The Livestock Conservancy's mission is "To protect America's endangered livestock and poultry breeds from extinction." Shetland Sheep are classified as "recovering."


The Livestock Conservancy created the SE2SE program as part of their ongoing commitment to make raising heritage breeds more profitable. Find out more about this important program by visiting their website.



Shetland Sheep Fog


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Zeba Christopher

Zeba Christopher

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Entrance Foggy Hollow

Entrance Foggy Hollow

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Lambs Belinda and Betina

Lambs Belinda and Betina

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Sheep butts

Sheep butts

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Lambs on blocks

Lambs on blocks

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Copyright © 2024 Foggy Hollow Ranch. All Rights Reserved

FFSSA Flock #22

NASSA Flock #2071

Scott and Lynda Davies

Hungerford, TX


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